Lane Crawford_The Grand Disorder Mechanism
The brief
Lane Crawford, a premium luxury fashion retail franchise from Hong Kong landed in Shanghai with an open call to selected artists and designers for an invitation to create an art piece for the opening show at their first-ever mall in China.
The inspiration had to come from "your personal vision of Shanghai".
The Idea.
Shanghai, an organic impulse, intricately weaves together diverse influences from traditional heritage to modern society, incorporating functional elements alongside underground subcultures, all merging harmoniously in its dynamic and somewhat chaotic landscape.
That’s why the Kaleidoscope concept comes alone. A unique way of blending the scenarios and situations collapsing together in a beautiful and unexpected collage of city moments.
The Grand Disorder Mechanism
The final design for the installation was a pyramid that glows and creates a sound reaction when people are approaching. Where the visitors can look inside and get immersed in a kaleidoscope experience following a narrative storytelling trough a movie.
Some of the footage filmed for the Movie at the Installation